Achim Tiffe, a lawyer and political scientist, has worked in the field of consumer protection and financial services for more than 15 years and has published several national and international studies. He is the main author of the current study "Financial Consumer Protection and Financial Education in Germany" (2014) and works as a lawyer situated in Hamburg, Germany.
In the last decades he has built up a broad experience in German and European banking law and consumer protection as a consultant for governmental and non-governmental institutions including consumer associations, providers, National Banks, Financial Authorities and the European Commission.
He was co-author about several issues related to financial services and consumer protection such as product information leaflets for state-subsidised old age pension schemes for the German Federal Ministry of Finance and the need for basic products for the Federation of German Consumer Organisations.
For more information please contact JUEST+OPRECHT Rechtsanwälte.
Achim Tiffe participated inter alia in the following studies:
Study on the impact of the directive 2007/64/EC on payment services in the international market and on the application of regulation (EC) NO. 924/2009 on cross-border payments in the community. Final report with annexes prepared by London Economics and iff in association with PaySys / Christine Riefa, Achim Tiffe, Udo Reifner and Helena Klinger from iff, Patrice Muller, Miriam Sinn, Iris Mantovani and Shaan Devnani from London Economics, Krzysztof Korus from Prudentiz and Hugo Godschalk from PaySys. 2013, 682 p.
Financial Consumer Protection and Financial Education in Germany;
study published by giz, Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit
with support by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
and Development. Achim Tiffe (Ed.) and Sebastien Clerc-Renaud.2014,
41 p.